25 Oct 2018 “Rally for Democracy” thanks volunteers, looks to November
Contact: Geoffrey Bates at (207) 644-8776
DAMARISCOTTA, ME, October 25, 2018 – With gubernatorial candidate Janet Mills’ exhortation to “Make Maine work for all Mainers!” ringing in the clear October night, volunteers, staff members, and local candidates left the Lincoln County Democratic Committee’s (LCDC) “Rally for Democracy” street party ready to fan out across the region in the run-up to November’s mid-term election and encourage voters to exercise their right to vote.
“We’re happy with this response,” said Barbara Burt, campaign committee chair and organizer of the event, which saw over 250 Democrats, Independents, and unaffiliated voters gather in the parking lot at LCDC Headquarters in Damariscotta for an evening of music, food, and lively discussion on Saturday, Oct. 20.
But we’re always looking for new folks who want to help us create change. All they need to do is call or contact our website--even one afternoon can make a difference!”
Between sets by Lincoln Academy’s combo, “Five O’Clock Jazz,” Damariscotta-based trio “Driving Charlie Home,” and the rock band “Leopard Girls,” local candidates Laura Fortman, Jason Putnam, Holly Stover, Mick Devin, and Natasha Irving, along with candidate for Maine governor Janet Mills, urged the crowd to sign up to volunteer and help get out the vote.
Holly Stover, candidate for State House from coastal District 89 asked the crowd rhetorically, “How are we going to make this happen?” and answered her own question to cheers,
With every one of you who are going to load up your car with everybody you know … and going to the polls. We are going to do this for all of us. Because, as you know, that is what democracy looks like!”
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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