Betsy Sweet

Betsy Sweet

Betsy Sweet


Information provided by the Candidate.


I am running for office because we are at a pivotal decision point and it is time for bold action on the climate, economy, healthcare, racial injustice and so much more. Business-as-usual politics will not be enough to address the pressing issues of today. I stand for a Green New Deal to bring millions of high paying jobs throughout the country while reaching 100% renewable energy. I stand for Medicare for All so that we can shed our private system in which health is not a human right and our access to care is monetized for the benefit of corporations. I stand for a dignified living wage of $15 an hour or more and a fair, progressive system of taxation that will finally make corporations and billionaires pay their fair share. I stand for a campaign finance system that makes our elections democratic, instead of seats auctioned off to the highest bidder. As your Senator I will fight for your interests, hold town halls in every county every year, and I will call in your knowledge to inform all of my decision making.

Betsy Sweet is a life-long human rights activist, political organizer, small business owner and mother from Hallowell, Maine. In more than 37 years of advocacy at the Maine statehouse and beyond, she helped to write and pass both the first Family Medical Leave Act and first Clean Election Act in the country. Betsy is running for U.S. Senate because Mainers deserve a champion in D.C. who will fight for the issues that matter like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and getting money out of politics.

Link to full website bio.

Our campaign is powered by grassroots donors. We reject all corporate and leadership PAC money, especially money from special interests like the fossil fuel and pharmaceutical industries. However, we cannot succeed in this campaign without you! You can support our efforts here— every dollar counts.

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