12 Mar 2019 Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor Democrats Launch Plans for 2019
The Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor Town Democratic Committees met on the evening of March 4 to enjoy potluck appetizers and discuss local, state and national political matters. Several local community members joined the group to participate in the conversation and plan activities for the coming year.
We agreed that a major objective for our group is to ensure that our candidates, issues, and positions maintain a more visible presence in our community. Boothbay Chair Paula Arsenault distributed handouts regarding the role of town Democratic committees, goals, and outreach ideas. Letters to the Editor and informative columns in the Boothbay Register are some ways to bring attention to our activities and values. Paula has launched a Facebook Page for Boothbay Region Democrats as an important step for increasing our visibility.
Brian Papineau, Chair of the Boothbay Harbor Democratic Committee, has been participating in events with the Maine Democratic Party. He recently attended a meeting in Fort Kent where major topics of discussion included issues relating to statewide proposals being considered in the Maine legislature, such as possible changes to the primary system for presidential elections.
On a more local level, we agreed that the town committees need additional resources, both human and financial, to accomplish our goals. Last September, we established a model of collaboration among the Town Democratic Committees of Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor and Southport to host a hugely successful “meet the candidates” gathering at the Opera House. The three towns are committed to continuing our partnership to sponsor future projects and events.
A “Summer Grill & Chill” picnic is planned for July to engage Boothbay Region Democrats and progressives in a festive atmosphere with food, beverage and live music. Town committee members are initiating the planning for this event and hope to recruit additional helpers in the coming weeks.
On Monday, May 13 at 6:00 PM, an open Boothbay Region Democratic Committee meeting will be held to strategize and to enlist volunteers to assist with the summer BBQ event. All local Democrats and other interested parties are cordially invited to attend; location to be announced.
Please take this opportunity to get involved in your community!
For more information about the Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, or Southport Democratic Committees, please contact the committee chair: Paula Arsenault, Boothbay, paulamragsdale@gmail.com; Brian Papineau, Boothbay Harbor,
boothbayharborbrian@gmail.com; or Bill Messmer, Southport, wmessmer@drew.edu.
-Submitted by Leanne Pander, Secretary, Boothbay Democratic Committee
Photo courtesy of Bob Crink
Left to Right: Leanne Pander; Bill Hammond; Paula Arsenault; Brian Papineau; Francine Rondina
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