15 May 2022 Bremen Democrats to Meet May 24
Contact: bremendemocrats@gmail.com
BREMEN, Maine, May 15, 2022 – On Tuesday, May 24, at 6 p.m. the Bremen Democratic Committee will gather online or by phone to hold its biennial election of officers and kick off its organizing efforts toward the Nov. 8 election.
The meeting will welcome Clinton Collamore of Waldoboro, candidate for State House District 45. Due to reapportionment, Bremen is now part of a new district with Waldoboro, Loud’s Island and the Knox County towns of Friendship and Washington. The incumbent, Jeffrey Evangelos (I-Waldoboro) is not seeking reelection.
Also on the agenda will be the biennial election of officers. Any Bremen Democrat interested in running for chair, vice chair, or secretary should plan to attend the meeting or inform the current chair and secretary, Mary Voskian and Autumn Mahoney, respectively.
All registered Democrats, unenrolled progressives, or other interested parties in Bremen are welcome to participate. To join the email list or to request the Zoom link or telephone access number for the May meeting, email bremendemocrats@gmail.com or call Voskian at 207-529-2511.
Information about this committee and the Lincoln County Democratic Committee, meetings and other activities may be found at https://lincolncountydemocrats.com or https://www.facebook.com/lincolncountydems/.
The Bremen Democratic Committee promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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