Bremen, Friendship, Waldoboro & Washington Democrats Nominate Stone

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Bremen, Friendship, Waldoboro & Washington Democrats Nominate Stone

WALDOBORO, Maine, July 25, 2024–Democrats from Bremen, Friendship, Waldoboro & Washington convened at the Miller School in Waldoboro Sunday, July 21 to decide on a replacement nominee for their state house candidate in the upcoming November election.

Over 40 folks met and nominated Jennifer Stone of Waldoboro, a mom, nonprofit administrator, and homesteader to run against Republican Abden Simmons of Waldoboro in House District 45.

Stone shared, “There are many issues that are important to me, with healthcare being a top priority. Far too many people lack access to adequate health care and for those with access, the current system is too cumbersome to navigate. Now, to exacerbate the problem, there is an attack on bodily autonomy. Decisions about bodily autonomy should be decided by the individual and their health care provider, not state or federal government.”

“I am not a politician,” continued Stone. “I am a citizen who is concerned about the future of my community and state. I believe I can do more and this is my chance to fight for dignity and basic human rights. It’s a fight I cannot win alone. I hope we as a community can create a plan together for a future where all of our families can thrive. And I’m looking forward to talking with my neighbors in Bremen, Friendship, Waldoboro and Washington about their needs and how I can best represent them in Augusta.”

Stone moved to Maine decades ago to seek community and build her family. Together with her partner, they have one son.



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