Call for Nominations-extended!

Call for Nominations-extended!

Every two years, LCDC holds elections for all four officer positions and for the Chair’s Designee to the Maine Democratic State Committee (DSC). It’s an open election and any LCDC member may nominate themselves for any of these positions.

Officers include: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. A full description of duties can be found in our bylaws and are summarized here:

CHAIR: The Chair shall be the general executive officer of the organization, and shall preside at all meetings of the LCDC. In addition, the Chair may appoint members to the various LCDC Initiatives; participate in Caucus of County Chairs meetings and DSC meetings; and shall sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.

VICE CHAIR: The Vice Chair shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be the corresponding and recording officer whose main responsibilities are to ensure that an accurate record is kept of all executive committee and membership business meetings, that a list of voting members is up to date, and that regular correspondence with the voting members is maintained.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate record of all money received and disbursed and shall record the source from which the money was received and the purpose for which it was disbursed. The by-laws also explain a number of protocols for the Treasurer to follow in regard to depositing and dispersing funds; managing LCDC accounts; providing reports to the membership; and maintaining records and filing reports as required under Ethics Commission rules or law.

CHAIR’S DESIGNEE: The Chair’s Designee to the DSC shall act in the absence of the Chair at DSC meetings.

Any voting member is eligible to nominate themselves to be included on the ballot by completing this form before midnight on Monday, January 13. While nominations from the “floor” will also be accepted during the meeting, this pre-nomination process will help ensure we have candidates for each position prior to the election meeting. This process is in lieu of establishing a nominating committee which was done in past years.


All nominees will be confirmed after the January deadline and before the ballot is finalized.

According to our bylaws, the election takes place during the first meeting of the year following the year of a Maine Democratic State Convention. The first meeting in 2025 is currently set for Thursday, January 23. The meeting will be hybrid. You may join by Zoom or in person in the community room at the Newcastle Fire House, 86 River Road. You do not have to be present to run for office (although it’s recommended).

Prior to the election, LCDC voting members will receive a list of the candidates. Nonvoting members are welcome to attend the meeting as the election is not the only item on the agenda!

Questions? or if you prefer to nominate yourself by email rather than by online form, contact:

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