14 Jul 2023 Chris and Valarie Johnson Named Honorary Chairs of Democratic Lobster Bake
Contact: info@lincolncountydemocrats.com
WALDOBORO, Maine, July 14, 2023 –Longtime Democratic activists Chris and Valarie Johnson of Somerville have been named honorary chairs for this year’s Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) Family Fun Day Lobster Bake taking place in Waldoboro on Sunday, Aug. 6.
“Chris and Valarie are the heart and soul of Lincoln County Dems, personifying all of the values we hold dear in everything they do,” said Kelli Whitlock Burton, LCDC chair. “I can’t think of any two people more deserving of this honor.”
The Johnsons met when Chris began as a computer programmer at Ridgeway Components in Augusta, where Valarie was assembling circuit boards. They were engaged after a three-month courtship and settled in Somerville, where they raised two daughters and have lived for 38 years.
Fast-forward to the early 2000s when the Johnsons had a grand-child on the way. The two had found a home in the Democratic party because of their shared sense that “… You should treat everyone the same—essentially the Golden Rule. There’s the issue of equity, not putting me above others. And over time, you look around and you see people being shunned or bullied because of their social differences … maybe it’s race, or gender, or socioeconomic … it doesn’t matter. You should treat people the way you want to be treated,” Chris said during a recent interview.
Chris became a school board member and volunteered to wire the Somerville school for internet service. “Yeah, we used actual wire for the connection. Imagine that!” he said with a smile. A longtime, old-school Republican mentor invited him to be moderator for the annual town meetings. “That was an education. I needed to study the book and figure out how to give everyone the chance to voice their opinion but keep the meetings on track. I learned a lot,” he said.
In the meantime, Valarie was attending LCDC meetings and became involved with fundraising under the guidance of Betsy Wooster. “You didn’t say ‘no’ to Betsy,” Valarie remembered fondly., “But it was always fun.”
The Johnsons’ commitment to community and democracy for all was thoroughly solidified when, in 2011, Betsy Wooster and Mary McPherson approached Chris during an LCDC fundraising dinner and asked if he would run for the State Senate during a special election. Valarie was skeptical when he asked her opinion but he countered with, “We have two daughters and a grandson on the way—there are no better reasons to begin the real work for change.” She agreed and Chris went on to win the special election. He was re-elected to two additional full terms, serving a total of 4 1/2 years in the State Senate.
Chris and Valarie have served in multiple leadership roles in LCDC and their local Somerville committee, since settling there more than 38 years ago. Valarie was the committee chair from 2011 to 2013 and then again in 2016 with Chris chairing the organization from 2017 through 2022, guiding the group’s support of “good people for public office” as Democrats claimed victories in a variety of critical local, state, and federal elections. When not serving as chair, at least one, and sometimes both, held other positions on the executive committee since 2009. Valarie has specifically helped to lead LCDC fundraising efforts for the organization. Chris, a 2014 recipient of the LCDC Frances Perkins Award, has also held public office as a state senator, on the local school board and on the Somerville Select Board, where he currently serves as chair.
“It’s hard to imagine where we’d be without the tireless efforts and years of volunteer service that Chris and Valarie have given to our organization, their community in Somerville and all of Lincoln County,” said Whitlock Burton. “Even now, from running our hybrid meetings to feeding our volunteers to raising funds that support Democratic candidates to knocking on doors to running for office — Chris and Valarie have done it all, and then some.”
The Family Fun Day Lobster Bake is an annual event hosted by the LCDC and is open to the public. This all-American event features the Democratic big tent, live music, freshly shucked local oysters, and grassroots politicking at its most personal. The afternoon begins at noon with a social hour. Dinner is served when the lobsters (or your choice of hot dogs or a vegan meal) come off the grill at 1 p.m. Short speeches by elected officials and special guests follow and there will be lots of opportunities to support the LCDC via three separate onsite raffles.
Details of sponsorships can be accessed, along with a link to make reservations, at https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/2023lobster. The deadline for reservations is Monday, July 31. For more information about this event, please contact Geoff Bates, our fundraising leader, at 207-644-8776.
The LCDC uses the money they raise through this and other fundraising initiatives to support their local efforts in Lincoln County. Its grassroots mission is to organize volunteers and communicate with voters in support of candidates who believe in the Democratic ideals and principles of government by, of, and for all the people.
PHOTO CREDIT Adelaide Whitegiver
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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