29 Jun 2020 Crafts Talks Climate with Youth Activists
Contact: Lydia Crafts, Candidate for Maine House District 90 at (207) 593-2664 or info@lydiacrafts.com
NEWCASTLE, Maine, June 29, 2020 – Lydia Crafts, a Democratic candidate for House District 90, continues her weekly Community Coming Together series on Thursday, July 2 at 7 p.m. on Facebook Live. Crafts will be joined by local youth climate activists to talk about climate change, climate justice, and how we move toward policies that address real threats to our environment, economy, and public health. As part of her campaign, Crafts focuses on bringing together voices and engaging in conversations about issues that matter to the district.
You may join this event at www.facebook.com/lydiacraftsmaine/live_videos. For more information about Crafts’ campaign check out www.lydiacrafts.com.
Editor’s note: House District 90 includes Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Louds and Monhegan Islands, Newcastle, and parts of Nobleboro and South Bristol.
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