08 Mar 2024 Democrats Announce Date for 2024 Frances Perkins Award Celebration
Contact: info@lincolncountydemocrats.com
ROUND POND, Maine, March 8, 2024 – The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) is thrilled to announce the date and location of the upcoming Frances Perkins Award Celebration. Since 1995, the biennial event has paid tribute to a Lincoln County Democrat exemplifying the enduring legacy of Frances Perkins. The celebration is open to the public and will take place on Saturday, May 4, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at a private residence overlooking Round Pond.
Perkins, a trailblazer from Newcastle, Me., served as labor secretary throughout all three terms of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Not only was she the first woman to hold a cabinet position, but she also played a pivotal role in advocating for crucial social reforms, including the New Deal for Social Security, workers’ rights, compensation, unemployment insurance, and child labor laws. The LCDC remains dedicated to preserving these social reforms while addressing contemporary issues with the same political astuteness Perkins displayed throughout her service to the country.
This year’s celebration is a cocktail get-together for Lincoln County Democrats and friends to celebrate the presentation of the 2024 LCDC Frances Perkins Award to a deserving Lincoln County Democrat who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to our community.
Geoff Bates, the event organizer, expressed, “The afternoon will be more social than political, with the chance for Lincoln County Dems to gather and celebrate one of our own.”
The formal announcement of the award recipient is scheduled for March 27. Past recipients have included Laura Fortman of Nobleboro, William Blodgett of Waldoboro, and Lisa Miller of Somerville. “The committee is confident that the selected individual will be well-received by people throughout the county. And we expect a great turnout of support in their honor,” continued Bates.
Details about the event and honoree, including how to make a reservation may be found on the LCDC website https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/frances-perkins-award/. The LCDC uses the money they raise through this and other fundraising initiatives to support local efforts in Lincoln County. Its grassroots mission is to organize volunteers and communicate with voters in support of candidates who believe in the Democratic ideals and principles of government by, of, and for all the people. When federal office holders and candidates appear only as featured guests and do not solicit funds or donations.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Frances Perkins depart for Warm Springs, Ga., in 1935. Perkins was the primary architect of the Social Security Act. Her legacy is commemorated biennially with the presentation of the LCDC Frances Perkins Award, honoring a Lincoln County Democrat who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to their community.
Source: Library of Congress
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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