21 Feb 2024 Frances Perkins Club | 2024 Membership Drive
Dear Friends,
Frances Perkins believed that “The people are what matter to government, and a government should aim to give all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life.” The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) takes this aspiration to heart, working to advance hard-won policies that uplift all Mainers and to elect candidates who transform these values into important legislation.
In 1995, the LCDC created our annual appeal program and named it the Frances Perkins Club after President Roosevelt’s secretary of labor who spent summers with her grandmother, here in Newcastle, Maine.
During the 2022 election, contributions collected through our annual appeals were instrumental in helping elect a strong slate of candidates to represent us in Lincoln County, Augusta, and Washington, DC. We invite you to join the 2024 club by contributing $150 or more as we build upon the momentum of our 2022 successes. During that campaign we hired a coordinator who rallied more than 130 volunteers to help deliver victories up and down the ballot. Our candidates and LCDC volunteers convinced voters that Democratic majorities were the best direction for Maine’s future.
You already understand the stakes in 2024. November 5 will be nothing short of a referendum on our democracy. We must counter blatantly false and misleading narratives that seek to deflect from the very real improvements President Biden, Governor Mills, and all Democrats have made during their time in office.
LCDC is already at work:
> Our Deep Canvassing volunteers have spent four months listening to unengaged local Democrats and unenrolled voters, learning about issues that resonate most strongly with them.
> We are creating a messaging and outreach campaign that reflects what we learned from our Deep Canvassing project, celebrates Democratic achievements, and highlights a future that lifts up all Mainers.
> We are developing strategies to target Millennial and Gen Z voters and new residents.
> We are planning events and activities to connect our candidates with voters and volunteers.
But we have more to do. Connecting with voters and supporting our candidates is just the beginning. Energizing and growing our base will be critical in 2024. Our success in turning out the vote in previous election cycles demonstrates the power of our grassroots efforts. With your support, we will continue our work to elect Democrats and ensure a future where:
> The democratic process is protected and open to all people.
> Individual rights are honored and observed equally for every citizen in Maine.
> Humanity and empathy prevail over hate, and communities flourish with a commitment to the common good.
Your support will be crucial in achieving this vision. Together, let’s ensure Democratic leadership thrives in the Maine Legislature, the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners, and all the way down to our towns and villages. Let’s return Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House and Chellie Pingree to the U.S. House.
Join us on this journey by becoming a member of the Frances Perkins Club and, if moved, by volunteering to work with your neighbors in this election effort. Please visit our ActBlue website at lincolncountydemocrats.com/perkinsclub or complete and return this form with your check today.
Thank you for your consideration,
/s/Geoffrey Bates
Fundraising Initiatives Leader
/s/Kelli Whitlock Burton
Chair, LCDC
The LCDC Perkins Club Membership Drive
Frances Perkins Photo Courtesy of the Frances Perkins Center, a nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational organization based in Newcastle, Maine. The Frances Perkins Center, founded in 2009, is not affiliated with the Frances Perkins Club of Lincoln County Democrats which was founded in 1996 as a way to recognize donors who make an investment in the Committee’s grassroots organizing efforts with an annual gift of $150 or more.
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