15 Dec 2020 From Chair Chris Johnson
These thoughts are foremost on my mind as 2020 and our campaign efforts come to a close.
This has been a difficult year. Amid a raging pandemic, a vile corruption of the character and duties of the office of the president brought us to the very precipice of dictatorship and democracy lost.
And yet, we persevered. In a dark time, the members, volunteers, and contributors of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee didn’t hide from the darkness. Instead, with great spirit and creativity we found ways to safely bring people together in spirit, make written, virtual and in person connections to voters, make signs that put smiles on people’s faces, wrote good positive letters, and raised the money to support all those actions. And by doing so helped caring, goodhearted and capable candidates win election to represent us. And among those, Lincoln County helped elect good people to be this nation’s next president and vice president. The final numbers are not yet available but it is clear that many new voters registered, and equally clear that our voter participation was extremely high.
We couldn’t have done this without your willingness to get involved, committing your time, energy and financial assistance to these efforts. Thank you for stepping forward instead of stepping back in this highly challenging year.
But engagement like this — good communication and good ways for everyone to join these efforts also doesn’t happen on its own. For that, I need to thank some remarkable committee chairs and officers that looked at what we were handed, sought ideas from members, were creative, encouraging, supportive of each other, and modeled positive can-do attitudes to rally people around all the ways their time and talents could make a difference. I know you will appreciate their notes and letters following.
While our accomplishments in this election are so very heartening, we also know that next year is one in which we must not wait for the next election, but work for the bold FDR style changes our nation needs to restore justice, racial and otherwise, economic equality, and a life of opportunity and hope to all people — including the many who have grown discontent with politics, political parties and in fact, have lost trust in our government. The people we’ve elected provide us an opportunity to achieve great things for the people. Our challenge now is to help ensure clear and meaningful progress is made — fixing the ills of our nation, both medical and societal. This is work that should fill us all with purpose, and it’s what we shall all begin in the new year. It’s time for us to show everyone the good things that Democrats can do for the people, and restore a government that deserves their trust.
~Honorable Chris Johnson,
Chair, Lincoln County Democratic Committee
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