30 Mar 2023 ICYMI Video of the March 23 Meeting with the League of Women Voters Maine
Our guest speaker Will Hayward, advocacy program coordinator for the League of Women Voters Maine and Democracy Maine, talked about the organization and the key legislation they are watching this session included a bill about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (see links below). Watch the video for a thorough explanation of the priority legislation that Sen. Cameron Reny and Rep. Lydia Crafts reviewed found in this doc.
A reminder that this list of bills sponsored by Sen. Reny and Reps. Stover and Crafts is kept up to date.
In committee business highlights, we announced an upcoming election to fill a Democratic State Committee (DSC) seat. Due to gender equity requirements, we must elect a male or nonbinary representative for this role. For details or to submit your pre-nomination, please complete this form before April 17 for the April 27 election. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
Other upcoming elections include our Lincoln County representatives to the Credentials (1) and Platform (3) Committees for the 2024 for the Maine Democratic Convention. Pre-nominations will open soon for a May 27 election.
And as always, we voted in new members to formally join our committee. Other announcements and items shared during the chat appear below the video.
Note that our next meeting will be Thursday, April 27 (4th Thursday of the month). More details to come. This may be a hybrid meeting. Sign up for the Zoom link and updates here. Pre-registration is not required for voting members but will help us plan and you will receive updates with the final details.
We took a poll to start off the meeting!
Have you heard of the National Popular Vote Compact? (your answer is anonymous)
42% Yes, and I support it!
25% No. I have not.
22% Yes, but I have questions..
11% No, but I’d like to learn more!
Other Items Shared During the Meeting
From Will Hayward, League of Women Voters Maine and Democracy Maine to Everyone:
– League bill tracker for 131st Legislature
– List of LWVME priority legislation
– National Popular Vote information
– LWVME Local Ranked Choice Voting toolkit
From Rep. Lydia Crafts (she/her) to Everyone:
I’m always happy to hear from folks; please feel free to call (207-593-2664) or email (lydia.crafts@legislature.maine.gov) anytime. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve our incredible district!
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