25 Jan 2023 LCDC Biennial Officer Elections
The LCDC officer and Chair’s Designee to the Maine Democratic State Committee (DSC) elections will take place during our Thursday, January 26, Zoom meeting which begins at 7 p.m. Join early for Zoom help.
Members have received this information from the secretary. If you are not receiving these emails, please contact info@lincolncountydemocrats.com. Non-voting members may attend the meeting by pre-registering for the link here: https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/meet. If you wish to become a voting member and are a Democrat registered to vote in Lincoln County, please sign up here to make that request: https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/sign-up.
Read on for information on how to vote and about the current ballot/nominations.
- You must be present (via Zoom) at the January 26 meeting and on a computer or smart device (phone or tablet) connected to Zoom to vote. Get the Zoom app here:
- Election voting is anonymous. We’ll use the polling feature on Zoom to vote. IMPORTANT! Please make sure you have the most up to date Zoom version and that you have been able to answer a poll in the past. You cannot use the “join by browser” feature so download the app to your desktop or smart device to ensure you can see the poll: https://zoom.us/download. If you are not familiar with this feature, you may log on early for help so that we can troubleshoot. In order for the votes to be cast anonymously, you must join Zoom by computer or smartphone or tablet and not through the phone conference listen-only option.
- Each member device gets one vote. Should a household have more than one voting member and you all want to cast individual votes, then you’ll need to log into separate devices to access Zoom on separate Zoom accounts.
To download the client onto your Apple device: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id546505307
For other smart devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings
This year, we called for pre-nominations to help prepare the ballot. While nominations from the “floor” will also be accepted on January 26, below is the ballot as it currently stands:
CHAIR: Kelli Whitlock Burton, Waldoboro
VICE CHAIR: no candidates declared by the Jan 4 date
SECRETARY: Julie Tenan, Newcastle
TREASURER: Mary Devlin, DamariscottaCHAIR’S DESIGNEE TO THE DSC: April Thibodeau, Westport Island
- You do not have to be present at the January 26 meeting to run for office (although it’s recommended).
- You will be asked to share 1-2 minutes about why you are running for the position. If you cannot attend you may send a statement to be read.
- If you would like to be nominated from the floor, we’d like to know ahead of time to help us prepare the digital ballots. This is not required. It is only optional to help make the process go more smoothly. Please let us know if you plan to be nominated from the floor for any of these positions or if you have any questions about the positions at info@lincolncountydemocrats.com.
- If elected please:
- Be prepared to stay on the Zoom call at the end for a photo.
- Note that the new chair may put forward any initial appointments for initiative leaders and other executive committee members to be approved by the body during this meeting.
Other items on our January 26 agenda currently include (in no particular order) a thank you to Chloe Maxmin for her two terms of representation; 2022 Campaign Report Part 1; 2020-2022 Final Finance Report; and more to be announced.
Questions? or if you prefer to nominate yourself by email rather than by online form, contact: info@lincolncountydemocrats.com.
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