15 May 2023 Lincoln County Dems to Meet on May 25
Contact: info@lincolncountydemocrats.com
NEWCASTLE, Maine, May 15, 2023 –The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) will hold its next meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The hybrid meeting format offers the option to join by Zoom or in-person at the Newcastle Fire Station, 86 River Rd. in Newcastle.
The meeting will feature a discussion of the Maine Democratic Party (MDP) Platform. Every odd-numbered year, the democratically elected MDP Platform Committee reviews the current platform, solicits feedback from Democrats across the state, and proposes amendments for consideration and vote by delegates at the State Convention.
The process, which takes months to play out, begins for Lincoln County Democrats at the May 25 meeting with the election of representatives to the Platform Committee and a discussion of what local Democrats would like to see in the state platform. Guest speakers will include Marc Malon, MDP party affairs director, and Dan Sayre, a former Platform Committee chair.
Malon is a native and resident of Biddeford, a former chair of the York County Democratic Committee and has worked on campaigns for many years.
Sayre served on the MDP Platform Committee in 2021-2022 and served as chair at the end of the process. He is immediate past chair of the Democrats of the Kennebunks and Arundel and has served on the York County Democratic Committee since 2018.
The agenda also includes a number of LCDC committee business items, including the election of LCDC representatives to the Platform and the Convention Credentials Committees and updates on the June 13 special election for Maine House District 45, LCDC Outreach Team projects, and upcoming activities hosted by local and regional Democratic committees.
All Lincoln County Democrats and unenrolled progressives are welcome to attend. LCDC voting members will automatically receive the Zoom log on information and reminders by email. Those interested in becoming a voting member must be a registered Democrat in Lincoln County and may make their interest known by indicating such at the in-person meeting, on the meeting registration form, https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/meet, or by emailing info@lincolncountydemocrats.com.
Pre-registration is required for non-voting members to receive Zoom log on and/or phone-in details. Register at lincolncountydemocrats.com/meet, before Noon the day of the meeting to ensure access. They will also do their best to accommodate last-minute registrations.
Information about the committee, its meetings and other activities may be found at lincolncountydemocrats.com or www.facebook.com/lincolncountydems/.
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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