14 Jan 2020 Lydia Crafts Announces Run for Maine State House of Representatives in House District 90
Contact: Lydia Crafts, Candidate for Maine House District 90 at (207) 593-2664 or info@lydiacrafts.com
NEWCASTLE, ME, January 6, 2020 – Lydia Crafts, a Democrat from Newcastle, is announcing that she has filed to run for the District 90 Maine House of Representatives in 2020. Crafts is proud to be a champion for creating opportunities for families and strengthening communities and is eager to fight for these values in Augusta. She has filed as a clean elections candidate.
I am running for State Representative to promote our district as a place that values every member of our community, regardless of age, income, education, or background. I want to ensure that our district is a safe place, where all are afforded the opportunity for success,” Crafts said.
Born in Belfast, Maine, Crafts lives in Newcastle with her husband Kevin, a public school teacher, and daughters, Amelia and Kestrel. Crafts works as a clinical social worker in special education at the Bristol Consolidated School. Her diverse work and volunteer experience include AmeriCorps, New Hope for Women, Big Brothers Big Sisters, organic farming, and mental health treatment for children and families. An active community volunteer, Crafts currently sits on the Newcastle Board of Appeals and is the chair of the board of the Sheepscott Community Church. Craft’s career and volunteerism exemplify her deep passion for supporting the needs of all individuals and households in her community.
Crafts and her team are excited to begin the campaign season and look forward to a great turnout at the primary on June 9, 2020. For more information, please find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lydiacraftsmaine/ and at www.lydiacrafts.com.
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