24 Feb 2020 Presidential primary March 3 and Democratic Party caucus March 8
Contact: Chris Johnson, Somerville at (207) 549-3358
This is where it starts. This is how to get involved in electing people committed to acting ethically for the common good, who will fulfill the responsibilities and constitutional duties of their elected office with grace and integrity.
DAMARISCOTTA, Maine, Feb. 24, 2020 – Democratic Party caucuses are Sunday, March 8, with a snow date of Sunday, March 15. The caucuses are a chance for registered Democrats to meet local legislative and other candidates, get involved in municipal committees, and become delegates to the Maine Democratic State Convention in support of their preferred Presidential candidate. Any registered Democrat is encouraged to participate. People unenrolled in a political party or who are unregistered may register as a Democrat any time up to and including the election or caucus day.
It all starts with voting Tuesday, March 3 in the presidential primary election where candidates earn Maine delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Voters will choose one candidate on this ballot. Absentee ballots may be requested up until Thursday, Feb. 27 and received no later than 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3.
The Sunday following, on March 8, the Democratic Party still has important business to conduct at the municipal caucuses.
Never in my lifetime have elections had greater consequences. The outcomes in our 2020 elections will determine whether American democracy and self-rule by the people will survive. The utter failure of Senate Republicans (Sen. Romney excepted) to uphold their sworn oaths to be impartial jurors and conduct a real trial has made it clear that we are the last line of defense for the cornerstones of our democracy. The time is here to take a stand and hold representatives accountable. The primary and caucuses are where it all begins. Now is the time to engage with others and make plans,” says Chris Johnson, chair of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee.
The caucus organizers remind participants to be wary of the start times listed in this announcement because Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 8. Additionally, they also suggest Democratic voters take a few steps leading up to the primary election and caucuses.
Step 1: Pre-register at https://mainedems.org/caucus/. It will make check-in quicker when bringing a printed caucus record form.
Step 2: Vote in the Presidential Primary and Referendum Election on Tuesday, March 3. Town offices have information about polling places and times or voters may visit https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/voting.
Step 3: Whether pre-registered or not, participants should arrive at their caucus location when the doors open to have a chance to hear candidates and catch up with fellow Democrats. The caucus locations, times, the towns meeting together, and their conveners are listed below. All caucuses take place on Sunday, March 8.
Wiscasset Municipal Building, 51 Bath Rd., Wiscasset
Doors open at noon, starts at 1 p.m., and town clerks should be there at or before noon.
Alna: Anne Simpson, (207) 633-4406
Wiscasset: Tom Eichler, (207) 882-7060
Boothbay Region High School*, 236 Townsend Ave., Boothbay Harbor
Doors open at 1 p.m., starts at 2 p.m., and town clerks should be there at or before 1 p.m.
Boothbay: Paula Arsenault, (207) 380-7554
Boothbay Harbor: Barbara Burt, (207) 318-6287
Edgecomb: Heather Sinclair, (207) 322-1632
Southport: Vernon Rail, (207) 633-9880
Westport Island: Jeffery Tarbox, (207) 776-2015
*Disclaimer per BRHS policy: “This event is not sponsored by the Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor Region Community School District, nor does it necessarily represent the values and opinions of the Board of Trustees, or the community at large.”
Pownalborough Hall, 314 Patterson Rd., Dresden
Doors open at noon, starts at 1 p.m., and the town clerk should be there at or before noon.
Dresden: Steven Eagles, (207) 737-8023
Great Salt Bay School, 559 Main St., Damariscotta
Doors open at 2 p.m., starts at 3 p.m., and town clerks should be there at or before 2 p.m.
Bremen: Bennett Collins, (207) 529-2084
Damariscotta: Sue Rockwood, (207) 350-2256
Newcastle: Ellen Dickens, (207) 563-1311
Nobleboro: William Najpauer, (207) 682-0142
Bristol Consolidated School, 2153 Bristol Rd., Bristol
Doors open at 3 p.m., starts at 4 p.m., and town clerks should be there at or before 3 p.m.
Bristol: John Fitzpatrick Jr, (207) 677-2397
South Bristol: Thomas Field, (207) 215-6455
Waldoboro Town Office, 1600 Atlantic Highway, Waldoboro
Doors open at 4 p.m., starts at 5 p.m., and the town clerk should be there at or before 4 p.m.
Waldoboro: Lisa Lane, (207) 446-2599
Jefferson Village School, 48 Washington Rd., Jefferson
Doors open at 5 p.m., starts at 6 p.m., and town clerks should be there at or before 5 p.m.
Jefferson: Andrew Theriault, (207) 701-1444
Somerville: Valarie Johnson, (207) 549-3358
Whitefield: Lise Hanners, (207) 656-2033
Monhegan Island Plantation caucus is TBD. If you would like to convene a caucus on Monhegan, contact Chris Johnson at (207) 549-3358.
For disability-related accommodations or ASL interpretation, please contact the Maine Democratic Party at caucus@mainedems.org or (207) 387-7500.
All of these caucus details and the ability to pre-register can be found at https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/caucus.
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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