29 Jul 2018 Waldoboro Holds Town Committee Meeting | July 18, 2018
Nearly 30 people attended the Waldoboro Town Democratic Committee meeting July 18 to hear from local candidates and discuss volunteer opportunities heading into election season. The meeting and potluck dinner were held at the home of Betsy and Ted Wooster.
Speaking at the meeting were Laura Fortman, candidate for Senate District 13 (all of Lincoln County except Dresden); Bill Blodgett, candidate for Lincoln County Commissioner; Carl Pease, a representative from the campaign of Natasha Irving, candidate for District Attorney for District 6 (Lincoln, Knox, Waldo and Sagadahoc counties); and Jeff Evangelos (I), candidate for House District 91 (Waldoboro, Washington, Friendship and parts of Union).
Volunteers signed up to drive local candidates, do voter registration at the weekly Waldoboro Farmers’ Market, and made plans to join Democrats throughout Lincoln County for canvassing and other GOTV efforts. Members also discussed talking points for letters to the editor that highlight Republican incumbents’ voting records against Medicaid expansion, minimum wage increases, and school funding, as well as writing separate letters in support local Democratic candidates.
Officers of the Waldoboro Town Democratic Committee are Lisa Lane, chair; Sandie O’farrell, vice-chair; Bill Blodgett, treasurer; and Carol Blodgett, secretary. The date for the next town meeting will be announced soon. To join the committee and for more updates, email Lois Lane at lisa@spinnacres.com, Sandie O’Farrell at sandieofarrell@gmail.com or Betsy Wooster at betsywooster@gmail.com.
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