27 Mar 2024 2024 Frances Perkins Award Celebration
Every two years, the Lincoln County Democratic Committee honors one of its own with the Frances Perkins Award. Perkins, from Newcastle, served as labor secretary throughout all three terms of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. As the first woman to hold a cabinet position, she played a pivotal role in advocating for crucial social reforms, including the New Deal for Social Security and workers’ rights.
This year, we present this award to Chris Hall of Bristol, a Lincoln County Democrat who, like Perkins, has demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to our community.
Saturday, May 4, 2024
4:30-6 PM
Reception & hors d’oeuvres
Featuring a performance by Boothbay Singer-Songwriter John Schindler
At the home of Jordan Wood & Jake Lipsett in Round Pond
The address & directions will be shared upon receipt of reservation
Your reservation fee or host committee sponsorship will provide funding for LCDC grassroots organizing in Lincoln County, allowing us to work effectively for the election of good people to represent our interests up and down the ticket.
Host Committee Levels & Benefits:
$500 Perkins’ Pacesetters: Admission for two, listing in the video program and on LCDC website, full-screen ‘ad’ with personal message ($100 value), “Shout-Out” from the podium during the program
$250 Social Security Sentinels: Admission for two, listing in the video program and on the LCDC website, half-screen ‘ad’ with personal message ($75 value)
$200 Newcastle Navigators: Admission for two, listing in the video program and on the LCDC website, quarter screen ‘ad’ with personal message ($50 value)
$125 Frances’ Fundraiser: Admission for one, listing in the video program and on the LCDC website, quarter-screen ‘ad’ with personal message ($50 Value)
General Reservations & Congratulatory Message Ads:
$75 Individual: Admission for one plus the opportunity to purchase a personalized ad to be shown on our video program:
–$100 full-screen
–$75 half-screen
–$50 quarter-screen
Your ad may include text and/or images. Someone will contact you about your ad after you make your reservation. Click to see a sample ad here.
If you are unable to participate, please consider making a contribution, of any size, to support the continued efforts of the LCDC in honor of Chris Hall.
Please make your reservation securely online or download this form to print and mail with your check to arrive by Friday, April 26 (please email info@lincolncountydemocrats.com to let us know the check is coming). Alternatively, should you not have access to a printer, please send the email and include a written note with the same details asked for on the form with your check.
Questions? Contact Geoff Bates at 207-644-8776 or email info@lincolncountydemocrats.com.
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