16 Mar 2020 Democrats urge precaution, not panic
Dear Editor:
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee has made a decision to postpone in-person activities until the threat of the COVID-19 coronavirus has been minimized. We do not want to endanger the health of our friends and neighbors here in Lincoln County.
However, that doesn’t mean that our work stops. We will find other methods of getting the word out about our Democratic values and goals for the upcoming elections, and we will work hard to make sure that our candidates’ messages about competency, compassion, and connection can be heard.
If you are interested in staying in touch with us, please sign up at our website, https://www.LincolnCountyDemocrats.com or send an email to info@LincolnCountyDemocrats.com.
Although we are postponing meetings, we still welcome campaign volunteers. If you would like to help us now or later in the year, please send an email to campaign committee chair Barb Burt at barbburtcampaign@protonmail.com.
In the meantime, we urge everyone to do as requested by medical authorities: stay away from large gatherings; refrain from shaking hands and other nonessential physical contact; be prepared in case of quarantine by stockpiling several weeks’ worth of food and medicine; and wash hands thoroughly and often. We also urge you to consider our less fortunate friends and neighbors who may be most affected by this pandemic and its repercussions. If you have the means, please make a financial donation to your local food pantry or the Good Shepherd Food Bank. And keep an eye on those in your community who are most vulnerable to the virus’s effects.
~ Chris Johnson, Chair
~ Barb Burt, Campaign Committee Chair
Lincoln County Democratic Committee
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