27 Sep 2022 Letters to the Editor Guide
What Can You Do When it Seems Like You’re the Only Dem in Town?
Take that frustration and turn it into a letter to the editor (LTE). LTEs are a powerful way to educate your neighbors and drive change in your town, Augusta, and D.C. Folks are much more likely to listen to you, a community member, than a talking head! The more of us writing LTEs about the good work Dems are doing, the more our neighbors will see that we’re a party of solutions.
Write LTEs for our Candidates
Local and state newspapers have been filled with letters to the editor in support of Democrats on the ballot in Lincoln County… and we need your help to share more! We’ll provide talking points, feedback on your letter, and info on where and when to send your letters. To sign up, email Keith Mestrich at keith.mestrich2@gmail.com.
Jump to: LTE Writing Tips | Local Papers
LTE Writing Tips
- Keep it brief. Most newspapers have a limit of 250-350 words for LTEs, although weekly newspapers may accept longer letters.
- Stay on topic. Discuss only one issue or candidate per letter.
- Be clear, concise and factual. Keep your sentences short and make your point clearly and early. If you have facts to back up your position, use them. Avoid exaggeration or hyperbole.
- Make it personal. Are you writing about an issue that affects you, your family, or your community? Supporting a particular candidate because of something they’ve done that has helped you? Sharing your story will personalize the issue or candidate for other readers.
- Keep it positive. Be positive, respectful, and offer solutions whenever possible! Avoid insulting or smearing those with different opinions or opposing candidates.
- Finish strong. End with an action you want readers to take. (e.g. Please join me in thanking/voting for Gov. Mills!)
Looking for some inspiration? Read some recent LTEs by Lincoln County residents or find tips and talking points from the Maine Dems.
Local Papers
As of last review, letters sent out to the full list by Noon on Thursdays works best to be printed in the following week’s papers.
Note: We do our best to keep this information up to date. If you are concerned about meeting a specific paper’s deadline, please confirm the details with the paper and let us know if you find any discrepancies so we may update this information for everyone.
Publication | Notes & Deadlines | Contact |
Lincoln County News | 5 PM Monday LTEs: Please include your name and town of residence as the signature. All letters must have a Lincoln County connection in addition to the writer's place of residence. | info@lcnme.com |
Boothbay Register | 3 PM Monday (no election-related letters will be printed within the week of an election) LTEs: Your letter should reflect your opinion in a respectful manner and be 350 words or fewer. Include your full name, address and phone number in case the editor has a question about your letter. | news@boothbayregister.com |
Wiscasset Newspaper | 3 PM Monday (no election-related letters will be printed within the week of an election) LTEs: Your letter should reflect your opinion in a respectful manner and be 350 words or fewer. Include your full name, address and phone number in case the editor has a question about your letter. | news@wiscassetnewspaper.com |
Bangor Daily News | Letters should be no more than 250 words, and may be edited or rejected for clarity, taste, libel and space. OpEd commentary usually runs 600 to 700 words. If a letter or OpEd is published, submissions by the same writer will not be considered for 60 days | letters@bangordailynews.com or through this form |
Free Press (merging into Midcoast Villager Sep 2024) | Noon Thursday Be sure to include your name, address, phone number and email. | copyedit@freepressonline.com or through this form |
Times Record | Letters are limited to 350 words. Letters to the editor and guest columns should include your first and last name, your city or town and a phone number for verification purposes. Letters endorsing candidates or campaign issues must be received 10 days before an election; letters written by candidates on any subject must be received 30 days before an election. | letters@timesrecord.com or through this form |
The Forecaster | Noon on Fridays Letters are limited to 300 words (150 for candidate or political referendum endorsement) All letters and guest columns must include the writer’s name, town of residence and a telephone number, for confirmation purposes only Letter and guest columns regarding electoral candidates or referendum must be received three weeks prior to the election. | editor@theforecaster.net or through this form |
Village Soup News Courier Gazette (merging into Midcoast Villager Sep 2024) | Friday | news@villagesoup.com |
Maine Beacon | If you are interested in submitting an article or op-ed for consideration, please send pitch or the full piece. | press@mainebeacon.com |
Working Waterfront | No candidate endorsements | tgroening@islandinstitute.org |
Town Line | townline@townline.org | |
Morning Sentinel Kennebec Journal | Letters to the editor should contain no more than 300 words. The Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel reserve the right to edit the letters. | letters@centralmaine.com or through this form |
Press Herald | Letters to the editor should contain no more than 250 words. The Portland Press Herald reserves the right to edit the letters for length. Maine Voices columns (550-650 words) should include the author’s name, address and daytime phone number. They may be emailed to: mainevoices@pressherald.com. Columns may be edited for length and content. | letterstotheeditor@pressherald.com or through this form |
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