Maine Democratic Party ``Run Local`` Program

Run Local recruits and trains Democratic candidates to run for local office and win. Now more than ever, we need Democratic voters to stand up and fight for progressive values in their communities. County commissioner, school board member, select board member - these are just a few examples of local roles with a big impact. Elected positions and campaign processes vary throughout the state. We are here to provide you with the training you need to run a smart, successful campaign in your town!

State of Maine Candidate’s Guide to Ballot Access

The Secretary of State’s Division of Elections is available to assist you with any questions regarding the conduct of elections. They can be reached at (207) 624-7650, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices is also available to assist you with any questions regarding campaign finance laws and reporting requirements. The Commission can be reached by calling (207) 287-4179, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

During our biennial General Elections in November, Maine elects our Representatives to Congress (both districts), all State Senate districts, all State Representative districts, and the following offices vary depending on the county and term: U.S. Senate, District Attorney, County Judge of Probate, County Register of Probate, County Treasurer, County Register of Deeds, County Sheriff,  and County Commissioner.


But it is during the biennial June Primary Elections when we determine each party’s nomination of candidates for certain federal, State and county offices. Party candidates who are elected at the Primary qualify to appear on the General Election ballot the following November.


How to Run for Office in Maine

The Maine Department of the Secretary of State provides petition forms for Maine residents who plan to run for public office, beginning at the advertised date in the December before the election. All those who seek to have their name on the ballot for federal, state or county public office, including current office-holders who will seek re-election, must complete the petition forms.


Per the provisions of Maine election laws, prospective candidates can begin collecting signatures on January 1, of election year. Through this petition process, candidates qualify to have their names placed on the ballot for either the primary election or general election.


Members of the Maine recognized parties seeking their party’s nomination must submit their completed petition forms to the office of the Secretary of State by the advertised March date. The primary election takes place on the second Tuesday in June.


The general election will take place on the first Tuesday in November.


The Elections Division within the Maine Department of the Secretary of State provides nomination petition forms to candidates at its office in the Burton M. Cross State Office Building, 4th floor, 111 Sewall Street, Augusta.


The number of signatures required varies depending on the office and whether the candidate is affiliated with a political party. The Candidate’s Guide to Ballot Access, which includes detailed instructions for completing and circulating nomination petitions, is now available on the Maine Department of the Secretary of State website.




Maine Democratic Run Local Program

Elected positions and campaign processes vary throughout the state. The MDP offers a comprehensive training on how to run a solid municipal campaign, at least monthly. They are available to provide you with the training you need to run a smart, successful campaign in your town! Sign up for the next one here!

National Democratic Training Committee

Free, in-depth training for Democrats who want to run, work, or volunteer on campaigns.

Our training sessions are open to any Democrat looking to make a change in their community. No litmus test. No cost. We offer online and in-person options that fit your needs.

Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute

Thousands of openly LGBTQ candidates, campaign workers and other leaders learned how to build winning campaigns through this training, which takes place several times each year.

Emerge Maine

Emerge Maine is the premier training program for Democratic women. We inspire women to run, we hone their skills to win. Our goal is clear: to increase the number of Democratic women in public office.

She Should Run

We brought together women leaders from all walks of political life to share their unique stories and help you envision yourself in elected office. You are qualified. You are ready.

EMILY’s List

Built on the idea that you don’t need a Ph.D. or years of political experience to get involved, Run to Win trains women interested in running for office from the ground up.