16 Apr 2021 ICYMI Video of the April 15 Meeting | Legislative Update with Rep. Stover
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) held its monthly meeting on April 15, 2021, via Zoom. The video is below.
The oral health bills that Rep. Holly Stover discussed last night have been summarized, expertly, by Kelli Whitlock Burton, along with a list of actions to help support the legislation. Learn more about how we can expand dental care to more Mainers.
As a reminder, we are keeping this page up to date with ideas for social media posts, talking points with friends, family and neighbors and for letters to the editor including tips and contact info for local papers.
Elections Next Month! Stay tuned for information about how we will elect our Lincoln County representatives to the Platform and Credentials Standing Committees of the State Democratic Convention. If you are interested in learning more about either position, contact Chris at chair@lincolncountydemocrats.com.
And finally, below the video, are some of the notes from the chat during the meeting. Note that the video has been edited to show only Holly’s portion. We have not included the LCDC business meeting and the Democracy Discussion was not recorded in order for attendees to share freely.
The next meeting will take place on May 20.
Resources Shared During the Meeting
Regarding Children
One of the bills to increase reimbursement rates of child behavioral health providers had a public hearing recently, It’s LD 496, sponsored by Rep. Lori Gramlich: http://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/summary.asp?paper=HP0359&SessionID=14
Kelli also wrote a bill brief on LD 496: An Act To Clear Waiting Lists for and Ensure Timely Access to Mental Health Services for Maine Children for another group, which you can access here: https://www.suitupmaine.org/legislature-roundup/#LD496
Reminder that there are several advocacy groups that focus on the needs of Mainers and one or more will likely match your passions, here are a couple that were mentioned:
Maine Equal Justice
Maine Children’s Alliance
Or to learn about or work on other issues
At the bottom of this page, there’s a list of lots of advocacy organizations. Many have very specific focuses.
Regarding Housing
Reminder that there is COVID housing assistance for tenants and landlords for many needs: https://www.mainehousing.org/programs-services/rental/rentaldetail/covid-19-rental-relief-program
The unique housing bill that finds money from owners of Maine homes that stay vacant for more than six months a year is LD 1337, sponsored by Christopher Kessler. Kelli wrote a brief about it for another group, which you can find here: https://www.suitupmaine.org/legislature-roundup/#LD1337
Sunday, Aug 8, is set for the LCDC Family Fun Day Lobster Bake event where we draw our raffle prize winners of a Turner Farm Barn Supper for 2. Contact valariesmithjohnson@gmail.com for raffle tickets and info.
Other things to look forward to:
Wiscasset Schooner Fest
Maine Botanical Gardens Opening May 1:
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