22 Apr 2024 Final Call for Reservations, John Schindler to Perform at Perkins Award Celebration
Contact: info@lincolncountydemocrats.com
ROUND POND, Maine, April 22, 2024 – “Democrats wishing to honor Bristol’s Chris Hall as the recipient of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee’s Frances Perkins Award should make their reservations to attend the Saturday, May 4 reception in Round Pond by Friday, April 26,” said Geoff Bates, organizer of the event.
The afternoon reception, to be hosted from 4:30 – 6 p.m. at a private home overlooking Round Pond, will also feature music by Boothbay singer-songwriter John Schinder, who has performed at the past two Frances Perkins Award Celebrations.
Schindler’s original approach to songwriting and performing has been recognized by performance spaces and the press across New England. The Amazing Things Art Center in Framingham, MA, wrote, “John’s songs ring with truth and power. On top of that, the man is a hoot!” SouthCoastToday.com commented, “John Schindler is a natural funnyman, yet has the ability to craft a song that tugs at the deepest personal emotions. With his resonant baritone voice and understated guitar parts, Mr. Schindler is able to command attention and bring a room to complete silence.”
“We’re so very happy that John could find time to join us again for our Perkins Award Celebration,” said Bates. “I know he’s been writing and am looking forward to what he might debut with us this year.”
Reservations for the award reception start at $75. Host committee sponsorships and opportunities to honor Chris through personal congratulatory messages are also available. To make a reservation, visit lincolncountydemocrats.com/fpa or learn more about the event and award at lincolncountydemocrats.com/committee/frances-perkins-award/.
The LCDC uses the money it raises through this and other fundraising initiatives to support local efforts in Lincoln County. Its grassroots mission is to organize volunteers and communicate with voters in support of candidates who believe in the Democratic ideals and principles of government by, of, and for all the people. When federal office holders and candidates appear, it is only as featured guests and they do not solicit funds or donations.
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) promotes the ideals, principles, and philosophy we share as Democrats. The nomination and election of candidates who advocate these ideals and principles ensure an effective, democratic government of and for all the people.
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