21 Aug 2022 Representative Holly Stover
State House District 48
Includes Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Edgecomb, South Bristol, Southport and Westport Island
Rep. Holly Stover, now completing her second term in the Maine House, was born and raised in Boothbay and has worked in the nonprofit and public sectors with a focus on health and human services. She is a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services and serves as House Chair of the Government Oversight Committee, which ensures public funds are used for their intended purposes. As a legislator, Holly works to ensure that all people can access affordable and comprehensive health care, affordable and high-quality education, affordable permanent housing and workforce development resources and live without abuse and violence and have the right to age in place. She also serves in an elected position on the Boothbay Region Water District. Holly is the Director of Development for Lincoln County Dental and the Director of Operations and Addiction Outreach Program for the Community Resource Council in Boothbay Harbor. She received the 2022 Legislative Award from the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Holly has been endorsed by the Maine Education Association, Planned Parenthood Maine Action Fund, Maine Conservation Voters, Sierra Club Maine and Maine Service Employees Association, SEIU Local 1989. She is running against Republican Tricia Warren of Boothbay Harbor.
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