Denise Tepler

Denise Tepler Photo by Molly Haley 06 400

Denise Tepler

Candidate for
Maine Senate District 24
Includes all towns in Sagadahoc County, plus Dresden in Lincoln County


Denise Tepler and her family have made their home in Sagadahoc County for nearly 40 years. Like many Mainers, Denise has held a variety of jobs. She worked in collections at Bowdoin College’s Arctic Museum, taught Anthropology at USM and UMA, taught cooking through Merrymeeting Adult Ed, wrote a column for The Cryer, and worked in non-profit program evaluation.

Denise is a dedicated public servant with over two decades of experience in local office. Most recently she served from 2014 to 2022 as a state representative before leaving office due to term limits. While in Augusta, Denise served as the House chair of the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee for four years. She championed bills to take on Big Pharma and rein in drug prices. She also fought to increase access to affordable health care and hold insurance companies accountable for rate increases. Denise is also a strong defender of women’s reproductive rights. In 2019 she was designated a Legislative Champion by Planned Parenthood. She’s also served as a National Council of State Legislatures Maternal and Child Health Fellow.



Contact Denise’s campaign to volunteer. She is also looking for drivers to sign up here.

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