27 Mar 2018 Voting for Laura Fortman for Senate
To the editor:
I met Laura Fortman last year, and boy are we lucky to have someone like her running for State Senate.
I am retired now, but made my living in the tech industry. I see a real lack of opportunities for our young people in this area, and across the state. We need two things that I think Laura is uniquely qualified to deliver, and they need to happen at the same time. Number one, we need to support good companies with a real commitment to our area and help local entrepreneurs create and grow those companies. This will provide the kind of solid, well paying jobs that young people need to make a real life here. At the same time, we need to create a workforce that can meet the labor needs of this kind of company. This requires investment in education and training beyond a high school degree, especially in the areas of math and science. Not just four year degrees, but also technical degrees in things like computer programming, web development, and electronic engineering.
Laura Fortman’s background is in workforce development, labor issues, and economic development. She understands the needs of business, and the needs of workers, and can bring them together in practical solutions that go beyond the partisan wrangling. We need to find ways to attract and retain our young people, and I think she has some strong and viable suggestions.
She’s running for District 13, which includes most of Lincoln County plus Windsor and Washington. Laura Fortman’s got my vote, and I hope she has yours!
Jan John
Round Pond
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