30 Aug 2022 Your Vote Matters Labor Day Picnic
Contact: westportislanddems@gmail.com
Given by the Westport Island Democratic Committee
Westport Island Maine
Annual Westport Island Democrats Labor Day Picnic celebrates
the importance of the vote in 2022
at the Old Town Hall lawn on Westport Island
Monday, September 5 from 2-4 pm
The Westport Island Democrats are again hosting their traditional Labor Day picnic, this year with the theme of Your Vote Matters. The event will be held outside on the lawn next to the historic Old Town Hall at 1217 Main Rd., Westport Island.
Labor Day, which developed out of the labor movement when working conditions involved long hours and dangerous conditions, today honors the dignity of labor and celebrates gains made by working people in their struggles for a better life. Fair wages and benefits, freedom from discrimination, a safe and healthy workplace, and a secure retirement, are all values that can be realized by exercising one’s right to vote.
Musical entertainment will be provided by Castlebay. Grilled hot dogs and beverages will be supplied. Several labor and worker’s rights will be songs will be sung as a community sing. There will be games for kids.
The event will feature remarks by area candidates running for elected office in November, including, Holly Stover, who is running for House District 48, Cameron Reny, who is running for Senate District 13, and representatives from other important campaigns.
Come for the fun! Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring your picnic blanket, camp chairs, and your own picnic if you so desire. Please sign up (no charge) at the link so that we can be best prepared for the number attending: https://lincolncountydemocrats.com/westportpicnic.
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