Christopher Hamilton Announces Candidacy for the Maine House of Representatives, District 88

Christopher Hamilton Announces Candidacy for the Maine House of Representatives, District 88


Contact: Christopher Hamilton, Candidate for Maine House District 88 at (207) 242-2559 or

Dear Friends,

I am looking forward to representing your interests in Augusta as your member of the Maine Legislature in District 88 (Chelsea, Jefferson, Whitefield, and part of Nobleboro). I am asking for your vote in the Democratic primary and again in November at the general election.

For more than twenty years, my wife and I have owned a farm and built a family-business in Whitefield. We process and market our goat and sheep milk into cheese – our feta has won first place in North America. In 2015, our farm was named the Lincoln-Knox County Conservation Farm of the Year.

We raised two children who both graduated from Maine colleges. Our daughter is in graduate school for social work and our son is an engineer with Chrysler.

I grew up in South China as a multi-generational Mainer. I graduated from colleges in Maine and Michigan with degrees in public policy.

I have been honored to have helped thousands of Maine people through my career raising money for non-profit organizations including LifeFlight, Maine’s emergency medical helicopter service. As I wind down this career, I want to continue helping people by representing you in Maine’s Legislature.

I have spent many years working in the State House, especially in the all-important Appropriations Committee. I understand the process and know how to deliver results.

I am avid hunter, biker, and outdoor enthusiast. I am proud to be a member of the Damariscotta-Newcastle Rotary Club.

I look forward to hearing from you and understanding your needs. I will carry your issues to Augusta and work across party lines to get results.

My priority issues will include:

-Creating and maintaining good-paying jobs for Maine people
-Supporting small businesses and farmers
-Addressing climate change – the most pressing issue of our time – while growing our economy
-Quality public schools including technical and trade schools

I look forward to hearing from you – please contact me: or give me a call at 207-242-2559


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