The LCDC will meet for the final time in 2020 on Thursday, November 19 at 7 p.m. The agenda includes election analysis by Portland Press Herald columnist Bill Nemitz. Pre-registration is required to receive access:

Like most elections, there were both heartwarming victories and disappointing losses. But mostly some great wins! We should be proud! Hundreds of volunteers stepped up and although this campaign was emphatically a team effort, there are a few people who Barb singles out for their leadership and hard work....

We called our 2020 campaign “Connecting for Change” because we wanted to encourage full participation in the election. To that end, an amazing group of volunteers came together and put in thousands of hours in a variety of ways to make those connections....

LAST CALL for “A Treat For Two” raffle tickets. Your chance to win a Maine excursion and farm-to-table meal in the historic Turner Farm barn on North Haven Island for a 2021 date. The winning ticket will be drawn during the LCDC’s Drive In for Democracy: A Rally for the People on Sunday, Aug. 30 at the Wiscasset Speedway. The winner need not be present and will be notified during the week following the event....

Get your $30 chance to win a "Treat for Two." $300+ value prize package: Turner Farm Barn Supper on North Haven with boat transportation to/from Rockland on your choice of date in 2021. Prize will be awarded on Sunday, August 30 at the Drive In for Democracy. ...

The LCDC will meet online on Thursday, May 21 at 7 p.m. All three U.S. Senate Democratic contenders have been invited to attend with Betsy Sweet and Bre Kidman accepting. Pre-registration is required to receive access. To participate by Zoom: To participate by Phone only:

The LCDC has made a decision to postpone in-person activities until the threat of the COVID-19 coronavirus has been minimized. However, that doesn’t mean that our work stops....

Due to concerns surrounding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the LCDC has cancelled this previously advertised event but encourage you to support our organization through a virtual "passing of the hat" as we have no idea when we'll be able to resume normal fundraising activities toward support of our November election campaign efforts....

Please consider renewing or joining us as a member of the Frances Perkins Club of the Lincoln County Democrats. Your financial support and volunteering makes Victory possible, and we can only do it with your help. ...

All Lincoln County voters are welcome to attend this gathering which will be devoted to dispensing information related to our local, state, and national candidates, along with important facts regarding the March 3rd Presidential Primary, the March 8th Municipal Caucus, the May 29th & 30th Democratic State Convention, and the November 3rd General Election. ...

The harvest season is just around the corner and the LCDC is inviting the public to share in its bounty as they present their Annual Harvest Dinner on Sunday, Oct. 6 at 5 p.m. The event will be hosted in the agricultural heart of Lincoln County at the historic Kings Mills Union Hall, 901 Townhouse Rd. in Whitefield. ...

Over 60 Democrats and friends, some from as far away as Whitefield, came together Saturday, May 4, for the LCDC's Southwestern-Style Bean Supper in Boothbay. Check out a few photos and the short clip of the performance by Jeff Rojo!...

The next meeting is on Thursday, April 18, 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Fire Station, 86 River Rd., Newcastle. This month’s agenda features the theme “State of the State Party“ with guests Kathleen Marra, chair of the Democratic State Committee and Lisa Roberts, executive director of the Maine Democratic Party....

The Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor Town Democratic Committees met on the evening of March 4 to enjoy potluck appetizers and discuss local, state and national political matters. Several local community members joined the group to participate in the conversation and plan activities for the coming year....

Please consider renewing or joining us as a member of the Frances Perkins Club of the Lincoln County Democrats. Your financial support and volunteering makes Victory possible, and we can only do it with your help. ...

The Westport Island Democratic Committee met on the evening of February 11 to enjoy a potluck meal and discuss local, state and national political matters....